Private event
This is a private event
Netaville offers free space for organizing IT events, cafeteria with discounted prices for IT students and a cozy collab co-working space.
This is a private event
This is a private event
This is a private event
Клубот на млади инженери како дел од Инженерската институција на Македонија организираат јавен настан на кој ќе се дискутираат аспектите на инженерството во криза и "дигиталната хуманост". Настанот има за цел да ги потикне младите инженери да ги осознаат принципите на безбедносна култура во инженерството и да се вклучат во креирање на новата димензија на хуманоста. The Young Engineers Club, as part of the Engineering Institution of Macedonia, is organizing a public event to discuss the aspects of engineering in crisis and "digital humanity." The event aims to encourage young engineers to understand the principles of safety culture in engineering and to engage in shaping the new dimension of humanity.
This is a private event
IAESTE is an international students organisation aiming to connect students with paid internship opportunities in over 80 countries around the world. Come meet the students behind this organisation and discover the many amazing benefits we offer.
Learn, share, work and network
Closed and more insulated space equipped with desks, cozy chairs, big screen TV and independent sound system, perfect for private talks, workshops or trainings.
Wider angle amphitheatrical setting with a bigger screen and room filling sound system, ideal for public talks or mini conferences.
Collab area with equipped desks, ergonomic chairs, flawless network and the just right ambient noise to get you in the superb coding zone.
Get a perfect hot brew to fuel your day or the vitamin packed smoothie to refresh your stats. Register in the app with your IT student e-mail address to get unique discounts.
Lay back, grab a controller and challenge a colleague or a friend. If consoles are not your thing, the board games collection is here to rectify that.
Available for all, with special students’ discounts
Always available and always for free. We wouldn’t complicate things, so first comes first served.
Space and equipment for organising IT events.
If you are a student you have a bunch of discounts! Just download our apps and get your daily pass.
Right next to FCSE and FEEIT
Nikola Tesla 9
Karposh 2
1000 Skopje, Macedonia
Opening Hours
08:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 18:00